We are on hand for general consulting before, after or without an audit to help take care of day to day matters to include support with :
This depends on the nature of the task at hand and can range from £32.50 per hour to £65.00 per hour depending on what needs to be done but some tasks are completed within 2-3 hours so around £97.50 for remote work to £195.00 for onsite attendance which compared to larger organisations or solicitors is a saving of around 70% !!
We will always give a firm upfront fixed price before any work commences and we work together with you in the real world and we never provide false expectations
Click here to book a free no obligation 15 minute telephone call or zoom meeting.
Our fees are realistic and affordable to most operators as we fully appreciate how important finances are. Yes there's maybe someone that can do it cheaper but are they going to provide the same quality and attention to detail ?
We would never advise against using a qualified transport solicitor as they are very useful when the proverbial hits the fan but their fees can be very high. For example we dealt with a client in early 2023 who had paid just shy of £2,000 for an operators licence application completion and submission compared to our cost of £195 to £550.00 and the service and outcome is the same regardless of which option is utilised.
But when it comes to getting it done cheaper that has its risks too ..... We recently supported an operator licence applicant who had paid just £90 for a consultant to submit an application and the application was refused because it was poorly submitted and with multiple errors leading to the OTC viewing the applicant as incompetent. We got involved and after some communications with licencing submitted a new application which has now been granted 1st time with no delays or nasty surprises.
Click here to book a free no obligation 15 minute telephone call or zoom meeting.